Saturday, September 5, 2009

Kristen: What is community?

Community is:

  • Walking to the kitchen in the morning, grungy in my pajamas and seeing staff members from the neighboring offices.
  • Playing a spontaneous game of Apples to Apples Bible Edition (who knew?).
  • Sharing floor cleaning duties.
  • Exchanging wedding planning details, hopes, and stresses with the 3 other engaged women on the floor.
  • Snacking on mint water, frozen jell-o grapes, and other tasty treats with good friends.
  • Having deep discussions about serious issues in the lobby.
  • Being exposed to the same germs... but hoping the sniffles are just allergies, not a cold!


  1. why were staff members in your kitchen? lol nice.

  2. they have offices right behind our kitchen....its a really weird setup
