Saturday, January 30, 2010

Andrea: LOST

So- I would like to echo Karla about how this community is extremely supportive when you're feeling overwhelmed. This week I have been feeling so exhausted with life: it breaks my heart to imagine saying goodbye to my grandma anytime soon. And nothing about being a senior in college is particularly reassuring. Between internship hunting, wedding plans, and regular college stuff I've been a stressed out mess this week.

Last night, however, was different. Christine introduced me to salvation from stress... in the form of seasons 3-5 of LOST. we spent the whole night sewing crafts and watching LOST. Eventually our party grew to include Judah, Jason, and Ben Siebert. Then, our marathon continued, but got even better because Devon and Kristen got home from their date and had ginger beer and cherry soda... and they made cookies!

The moral of the story is that no matter how sad you are, or unfair you think life is: you are still living days and minutes of your life. You get to pick how you want to spend them... and last night I wanted to spend them watching LOST until my brain turned into mush with my good friends.

thanks, guys.

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